Benefits of Membership

The concept of The Menal Health Collaborative is simple and innovative: we bring local organizations together to serve the mental health needs of our community. Members of the Mental Health Collaborative benefit from the following:

  • Increased Efficiency and Effectiveness: By coordinating efforts and sharing resources, The Collaborative works to streamline the referral process, reduce duplication of services, and maximize the impact of available resources, ultimately improving the efficiency and effectiveness of mental health care delivery.
  • A Centralized Point of Access: Referral and care coordination for all mental health and substance abuse services while also addressing the related social determinants of health.
    Access to Resources: The Collaborative can pool resources from various member organizations, to provide access to a broader range of mental health services, expertise, research, and funding opportunities.
  • Networking and Collaboration: Members can connect with other professionals, organizations, and stakeholders in the mental health field. This fosters collaboration, sharing of best practices, and the opportunity to learn from one another.
  • Enhanced Services and Support: By working together, collaborative members can develop and offer more comprehensive and coordinated services to individuals and communities, leading to improved outcomes for those seeking mental health support.
  • Advocacy and Influence: Collective advocacy efforts can have a more significant impact on policymaking, funding allocation, and public perception of mental health issues than individual efforts. The Collaborative can amplify the voices of members and advocate for positive change at local, regional, and national levels.
  • Reduced Stigma: By promoting awareness, education, and community engagement, The Collaborative aims to reduce stigma surrounding mental illness and promote a culture of acceptance and support.
  • Professional Development: Membership in the Mental Health Collaborative can provide opportunities for professional development through training, workshops, conferences, and other educational resources.
  • Risk Management: Sharing knowledge and experiences within the Collaborative can help members identify and mitigate risks more effectively, leading to better-informed decision-making and improved service delivery.
  • Community Engagement and Empowerment: The Mental Health Collaborative engages with the various communities to identify their unique mental health needs and empower them to take an active role in addressing those needs, fostering a sense of ownership and collective responsibility for mental health and well-being.
Stronger together

Opportunities to Support The Mental Health Collaborative

We are grateful for and dependent upon the provider engagement, stakeholder support, and generosity of donors that have made the successes of the last 20 years possible. This year, it will cost $403,361 to continue our vital work.With the continued support of the community, we look forward to growing our impact in the months and years to come. Here are several ways to help:

  • Become a member of the Collaborative. Contact us to get the membership packet, infomation is below.
  • Attend a Mental Health First Aid class or become a trainer.
  • Make a financial contribution.
