How We Work

The Collaborative convenes four meetings annually. Every two years one of those meetings is a Strategic Planning Session during which the members identify and prioritize unmet needs in the mental health continuum of care in Indian River County. The Collaborative then:

  • Convenes people and organizations interested in finding solutions for the unmet needs, including both Collaborative members and non-members.
  • Offers guidance and administrative support to facilitate the discussions and plans related to the solutions for the unmet needs.
  • Helps identify sources for funding and provides support for the Lead Agency in securing funding.

Once a project is established and the Lead Agency agrees to continue working closely with the Collaborative, the Collaborative will then:

  • Provide ongoing advocacy for the program.
  • Present a unified voice at the local, state and federal level on behalf of the program.
  • Continue to convene appropriate parties to review and discuss the successes and challenges of the program from a communitywide perspective.
  • Coordinate meetings, take minutes and provide administrative support.
  • Continue to open the doors to potential funders for the Lead Agency to fund the program.

Whom We Serve

We serve all Indian River County community residents (adults and youth) having difficulty gaining access to mental health and substance abuse services. Insurance is NOT required and there is NO FEE.
