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We are so pleased to announce we have a group of Mental Health First Aid Instructors ready to teach this important and impactful class. This certification class is normally $175 but has been underwritten by the John’s Island Community Service League and is being taught for the cost of the $30 participant manuals. If $30 is a hardship, we can cover the cost of the manual. Any Indian River County Resident wanting to attend this class will be trained. Classes can be taught virtually or in person.

Please see the attached flyer and 2 minute video describing this class.

If you would like to set up a Mental Health First Aid Class for a group or would just like to join a class yourself, please contact Kathy Lindsey, Program Coordinator, at 772-217.3663 or email


The StigmaFreeIRC campaign consists of the McCabe Connections Center, in partnership with JOHN'S ISLAND COMMUNITY SERVICE LEAGUE with the goals of ending stigma and creating hope for those affected by mental illness. Through powerful words and actions, we can shift the social and systemic barriers for those living with mental health conditions.

Stigma FREE IRC logo full color print
